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This game was fire, albeit short.  Please drop an update.  I would like to see what happens next.  

Also there was a small bug near the end of the video, if you examine and item and the text does not go away, just examine another item and it will fix itself.


This defiantly gave me a nostalgia drive from the 90s horror games. I loved the assets and how it was rendered in UE. I just adored how the UI was designed for the inventory, it really gave it that futuristic sci-fi look but also kept that 90s aesthetic. Overall a really well-made game for the short amount of time it was worked on. I really hope this demo develops into a full game, because it looks like a really good concept.


Love the nostalgic design you went for in this game! The deep underwater is perfect for a survival horror. I'm gonna fully support your work if you are gonna keep going! 


I saw someone playing this game and I definitely wish for more of this style of game!


Moar Please


I enjoyed the opening to this game and that cliffhanger left me wanting more. I got a kick out of that little surprise at the end. XD

(1 edit) (+2)

I want mooooooooooooooooooooore!!!! Why are making me beg!?

Seriouly, I really like it. :)

The game is good I really don't have much to say, the RE vibe is cool, I expected to see more, swim, monster and explore.


This Game was amazing! We loved the Resident Evil vibes and we want a full Game sooo badly!! Don’t quit this project and please keep it up! 

Found this game recently and did a quick video playthough. I love it so far and would love to see the final product if it comes to fruition.


good job on this


Heya, I wanted to comment to say that this game was great, and would 100% love to see more of it in the future. The game captures the 90's survival horror feel incredibly well. I did feel that the voice acting could use a little work to fit the mood a little better but overall the game was superb. I also featured it on my TikTok channel here:

Keep up the great work, and I'm definitely keeping a close eye on this project for sure.

(1 edit) (+1)

Amazing game! Loving the story so far and can't wait till the full release! Keep up the good work


Really appreciate what the devs were going for in this demo. And kudos to the voice actors, they’re perfect!


I rly like it! Is so well done! Just the voices are out of mood but is a good game! I hope U can finish it because I need mooreee!! hha xd


An absolute gem of a demo that draws inspiration from a variety of PS1 classics.  Really hope we'll see a full game of this one day, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.  Amazing work!


Very nice !


This was a great gameplay! We really need more of this! I'm here for it! But yeah guys check out my video for the gameplay! :)

Alright, this was pretty cool, not sure which version I've played (ended after I shot the first zombie and the mysterious guy called me on the radio). I'd suggest working on the voiceover, but otherwise, it's pretty solid. Keep it up!

Fatal error on opening :(

ah, went back and replayed it - i think i actually dropped the gun by pressing c. Looking at it more closely it seems like the menu is just a prototype for now anyway. cool demo.

This is really cool, but I think there is a bug with the inventory. I picked up the gun from the locker and went to inventory to equip it, I pressed 'c' to 'use item' and the gun disappeared from the inventory and wasn't equipped, so I couldn't fight the monster in the next room.


Just finished playing this and it was great. Like many other people, the game gives RE vibes, but it also reminded me of one of my favorite fps games of all time, Perfect Dark. Especially that one mission where Joana Dark infiltrates the Pelagic II with Elvis to recover Dr. Caroll and destroy this underwater alien mega weapon. This game has a lot going for it, controls are smooth, stellar music, and great design overall. I'm hoping for a full installment in the near future~




Thank you for this experience as it has enlightened in a lot of ways. I just streamed this game on Twitch. If this were a full game I would definitely play it. This is the best thing since peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches (man those are delicious). :)

Good stuff here's a speedrun.If the full game plays as good as this already does I'm super hype for it.


These classic Resident Evil/Dino Crisis-like games should always exist. I hope it gets finished soon. All the best!


I can't get enough of games like this! I love the PS1 style, brings me back to much simpler times. Keep it up! 

I really enjoyed the game worthy of the PS1 from 10 to 0 no resident evil


Really loving the game so far I can't wait to play the rest when it's released!




What a great game. Exceedingly well done.


Ok I just finish this little gem of the Game Demo.

I just loved its introduction and so far what we seen from the story it promises to be very entertaining game, I REALLY hope you will not stop developing it and expand on the story, Maybe even try to leave some parts in the story open up for later on for possibility to add additional character stories either as RE2 unlockable content story A/B or like they did for original half-life as a expansions.

It would add option to use older game assets for additional story telling and I personally would not mind to play same levels as (for example) that dead character that we found at the beginning and see how he ended up like that. Maybe even make it if we leave some health packs on key locations (story A) in first run he could survive (unlocks side/expansion story for additional runs) so we could then meet him in our next run with Reina (optional story B if we complete some conditions in side/expansion story) and affect how things progress a bit in that next run. Hey I can dream right? :D

Graphic: I wont lie, the first thing that really attracted me to try the game was its graphic style, It reminded me on original “Resident evil” series from PlayStation/Dreamcast and “Deep Fear” from Sega Saturn. The look of low poly models and textures with that grainy filter really compels me in a good way to continue to play the game.

I would recommend to look in to “Deep fear” if you didn’t play it since theme(ocean and all) is to extend similar to Endless Blue so you might get some additional inspirations for your game.

Puzzles: A bit to simple for my taste, with little luck we will get more advanced puzzles as the game progress, it is demo to showcase aspects of the future game so I understand that they are there as proof of concept.

GUI: Simple and easy to understand. The only other option you might want to add is for players to be able to read older documents they already found from the menu. If there is that option and I didn’t find it, Sorry my fault then.

The lack of mini map on inventory screen is kinda good. I hope you will not implement it in that way later on. I don’t know about other players but with maps that show me where my exact location is and all the room locations needed to visit at any given time in the course of  the story with blinking point gives me a feeling like my character already knows where everything is located(personal opinion only), it makes me feel like I’m robed of exploration part and the need to start looking for clues to piece them together to find what I need to do or go to locations to progress and move on. Yes i know its more convenient to have it but with out instant mark for it it forces player to think carefully if the clues he have are correct and to manage available resources it have if the player has made a mistake.

Maybe put maps throughout the underwater base on walls so players can interact with them to see their current location and those maps are maybe the emergency evacuation routes (Room with that specific map show routes for emergency evacuation for that room ). Good use from story narrative and gameplay perspective all put in to one.

Combat/Controls: Combat felt ok. The auto aim on enemy did good job with it. You could maybe make enemies a bit more tougher on next update. It felt that enemy has gone down to fast so I did not have a need to try to run back or run around the room in general to test out how the current combat build would progress in longer battle.

Maybe add a bit of mark on the aimed enemy so when have multiple enemies you can see what is auto aim targeting and add that enemy that is taking current damage is slower then other targets.

It would give a player a bit of crowd control mechanic if they could switch between targets to slow them down(maybe additional button for switching targets), sort of like in Parasite Eve 2.

Reina: The character so far is ok. The first impressions of her reminds me a bit of Regina from "Dino Crisis 1" but we shall see how will Reina develop in the future. Whoever did the voice for Reina, they did fine job and I hope they will try to keep the same feel for the character. The way Reina act and talks feel that she is professional that have been in a lot of action but somethings tells me this will be the first time that she encounters something like this so we shall see. :D

Maybe later in the course of the game as the story progress add a bit more strain and uneasiness in her behavior. It is a horror survival situations after all and it would reinforce how dire situation this really is if even she can get uneasy with whole thing.

The only thing that kinda felt off on her was her hair and face mesh. I notice that at some points the light source kinda reveal the edges and faces of her mesh on her face. Maybe add  additional mesh for her hair and rearrange vertex on her face a bit so we don't have strange shadows on there.

All in all the game demo so far looks to be very fun. Hopefully we shall see new version very soon.
Best wishes and keep up the good work.


Very solid prototype, everything worked as intended and it was a fun experience. Lots of talent in the development and design. Looking forward to any continuation or new projects you may get into!


Yeah I really enjoyed this game soi far so would love an expanded version of this. Was really sad to get the "To Be Continued" screen. Loved this so far and makes me want to play Resident Evil!

Looking forward to the future of the game.


Fantastic, well done. Strong "Deep Fear" vibes but executed much better.


hello there, could you compile the game for linux? i think unreal have that option (not sure though since i used just a little)




The game ran perfectly using Lutris with wine as the runner. Just disable Esync in the runner options

oh i will try that... i said about native running just because since i have an intel igpu sometimes games wont even launch... intel is pretty bad with linux

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