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stunning game! are you still developing this? if so I would love to see this become a full title.

(1 edit) (+1)

Man! You are doing a great job! This deserves to be a complete game =)!! I love it every element in the game <3!! I tried on Steam Deck, and works very well on it :).


Absolutely gorgeous work with a unique atmosphere, inspired by PS1 classics. A beautiful love letter. Can't wait for more!

(2 edits)

This games is charming!

Please, can someone help with an advice? Do i need to learn c++, or blueprints would be enough if I'm trying to create a survival horror game like this?

This game was great, I absolutely cannot wait to see more!

 Perfection. As great as this is now, it would have been legendary if made in the the era it's styled after. Love it!

This game does a superb job emulating the style of 90's classics like Silent Hill & Resident Evil while simultaneously feeling original. From the graphics to the Voice Acting, this game feels incredibly authentic & if you had shown me this without prior knowledge then I might've been fooled into thinking this was a genuine PS1 game that I'd somehow never heard of ๐Ÿ˜…

Overall this is a fantastic demo & I sincerly urge anyone reading this to give it a go for themselves. I really hope this game gets further updates cuz I would love to see a full game based around this concept ๐Ÿ˜

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๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰ I got an


One of the best games I've seen on Very well done :)

I also have a video of my gameplay if you'd like to see


A very cool game & a great alternative to classic survival horror games. Will look forward to future updates of this one. Its one of the best of its kind that i have played in a while.


This looks beautiful.


I just tried your game. I reached up to the (first? only?) boss fight. Great demo. I hope to see the full release at some point!

I would once again like to present my submission to contribute to the writing of this game in any way possible. Let me know if you are taking submissions.

I think maybe you should link a porfolio or something, that's helped me when trying to work with someone/get writing jobs.


Underrated throwback to classical survival horror games from the 90's. Really loved the aesthetics of this and I'lll be definitely waiting for more.

I like it, though I feel like I was too hard feel of the game, but I still like it

(1 edit) (+1)

Very good game can't wait for the full release 


I don't comment a lot on games I find on here but... wow, you guys are seriously talented! There wasn't a whole lot of material here to play through but I didn't see a lot wrong with what you have going on. Great music, graphics are killer, and plot is interesting. Looking forward to seeing more from this!


i loved the game, but could not fnish the demo cause in the "disc 2" part the game becomes laggy. Dunno why, but i think it's just my pc. Still i think this game has great potential

it's laggy for me too there, however the boss is easy. you can hide behind the first column of the third point of view from the last door and shoot when it shows up in the second or third position from the furthest left.

well what i mean to say is i managed to defeat it but it was laggy for me too. constant 1 second delay for every movement at that stage which i wouldn't expect given the graphics.


This is awesome, Played this during a Marathon Stream!


will this ever be on steam?



For those that enjoy fixed-camera survival horror, this game is excellent.  Although brief as it is a demo, it's a nice quick little throwback to some simple classic survival horror.

I wish the developer comes back to this and turns it into a full complete game. So much potential here. Great dialogue, great graphics, perfect enemy challenge (not over the top like some other developers of survival horror); this game is just amazing.

Endless Blue, I love this game! 


Looks incredible!


Me ha gustado mucho el juego. GRACIAS

A love letter to classic RE games, with a sprinkle of MGS. I loved it. Can't wait to play the full game. ๐Ÿ‘

Great demo for a very promising project. Yes you have definitely nailed a 90s aesthetic in all aspects. Man, what's that word for nostalgia towards things that never existed? Will stay tuned.


Loved the game!


I don't have much to say that hasn't been said in the comments before, great work, loved it, quick turn could be better, cutscenes that can't be skippedn wonky auto aim (or I'm just bad). I'm just sad that it goes into sci-fi/psychological horror stuff because I'm a moron and I like b-movie horror like Dino Crisis rather than say, Silent Hill. But that's just a personal preference and I would still love to financially support a full project, good luck going forward!

(1 edit) (+2)

This game is great! I for sure would like to see where the project goes. I uploaded my Twitch Highlight of me playing it to YouTube. I also donated, hoping that helps. Keep up the great work!


My stream of the game, hope to see it out soon, and hope to see animated enemy death pose


The setting & environment really appealed to me as I love underwater sci-fi stuff. In particular the lighting (caustics and reflections from the water etc.) was top notch! There were a few visual bugs with character models clipping and enemy ragdolls glitching, but that didn't take away from the experience too much. I also really liked the surreal/otherworldly feeling to the ending and the pre-rendered backgrounds looked really nice.

What I would say is that the quick turn could be implemented a little better I think. Currently you hold down on the analogue stick and press the sprint button, similar to Resident Evil 4. However, since I hold down the sprint button all the time in these kind of games, I would end up accidentally quick turning when trying to back away from an enemy. I then would have to turn back around again which usually meant I wound up taking damage. Perhaps the A button could be used to initiate the quick turn instead of the X button. 

Additionally, I think the gun sounds could be more impactful and the enemy death sounds more gruesome. Even though you want to deter the player from using their guns too much, I think having more intense & scary sounds when they do have to would still add to the tension and fear factor.

Overall though, a great classic-style survival horror game and I'm excited to see how the two parts of the demo will connect! 4/5

hi can i upload your game on youtube


(1 edit) (+3)

Hello dear dev, you probably don't remember me anymore, i'm one of the very first people that played your game on Youtube (and i also posted some screenshots about it at the time), well i'm here now with some fresh ones, again you did a good job, i look forward to the full game :P


The game looks nice keep it up developers I like the graphics


Very fun game, I enjoyed every part of it!


I am not one for Tank Controlled games but this one caught me by surprise and I liked the idea they took for an underwater facility also I felt super RE and MGS vibes from this. Video below:


Hey friends! I hope you enjoy the video as much As I enjoyed the game! Thanks for supporting the content! 
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